16 Things That Have Happened to Every Girl Who Has Had a Female Roommate
You'll have the most fun living with other girls.
1. You both immediately take off your bras the second you get home

Usually while talking to one another about your days.
2. You live to pregame together

3. You spend a lot of weekend mornings in each other's rooms getting updates on gossip

4. You're perfectly happy to bail on other people to hang out with each other

5. You throw killer house parties

6. And take care of each other afterward

7. You've walked in on each other naked so many times that you no longer have any shame

8. You tell each other literally everything

You live together, so it's not like you can have secrets anyway.
9. You can team up and clean you place together in record time

Usually before one of your parents shows up.
10. You text each other at around 3 p.m. everyday to figure out your dinner plans
You're basically married.
11. You let each other take over the living room when you're sick
12. You make each other a killer hangover cure breakfast
13. You always start new workout crazes together

14. You watch each other struggle when you one of you comes home drunk

15. You borrow each other's clothes all the time

16. You have the weirdest conversations

But it's somehow totally normal.