You'll Wish You Thought Of These 32 Awesome Ideas
1. This liquor store that packages up the ingredients for cleverly named mixed drinks
2. This bar that uses a strip of ice to keep drinks cool
3. This gadget that keeps chips accessible
4. Gum that comes with little papers to throw it away with
5. A Dutch display letting you feel the toilet paper brands it sells
6. This sign that lets waitstaff know when you need help
7. This chilling contraption at a liquor store
8. A paper USB to cut down on extra mailed packets
9. This nozzle that lets you spray fresh juice
10. This bonus menu item to buy the kitchen a cold one
11. This lid that helps coat all your popcorn with butter and can be used as a bowl
12. This library receipt that lets you know how much you saved by borrowing rather than buying your books
13. This liquor that comes with a built-in drunk snack
14. A bar that added headrests above its urinals
15. This cold chamber to help you test out winter jackets
16. This birth control packaging with a handy slot for a condom
17. These bristles that cover the creepy cracks in bathroom stalls
18. This car that doesn't let you jam until you're buckled up
19. A built-in magnifier to help grocery shoppers read food labels
20. This ATM that lets you choose the bills you want
21. These empanadas that let you know what's inside
22. This mango sticker that tells you when it's ripe
23. A groove in the stairs to make it easier to bring bikes up and down
24. This library that lets you check out baking pans
This idea takes the cake.
25. This Korean restaurants that charges kids by height and not age
25. These instructions that tell you when to get a drink
26. A shelf at the grocery store for abandoned items
27. USBs that show how much memory they're using
28. These elementary school desks with built in pedals to let kids move while learning
29. This tie for the tech savvy
30. These tiny charging lockers at the bar
31. This bar's policy that rewards you for being a responsible driver
32. And a walk around beer to get you through your Whole Foods trip