You Won't Be Able to Stop Watching This UCLA Gymnasts Floor Routine
Sophina DeJesus is a powerful gymnast who has some super fun dance moves up her sleeve.
This is Sophina DeJesus. She's a senior at UCLA from Temecula, California.
Along with her teammates, she took on the University of Utah gymnastics team and her floor routine was unforgettable.

Let's just take a moment to admire her perfect glitter eyeliner, shall we?
After perfectly executing her first move Sophina confidently walks the floor and it's hard to take your eyes off of her.

Then she does this and the crowd goes wild.

Throughout her routine, Sophina whips, nae naes and dabs which the entire crowd is living for.

She powers through every tumbling pass with incredible accuracy and strength, but the fact that she's having fun makes this such an unforgettable routine.
And just when you think she's already landed a perfect score, she hit the crowd with this incredible landing.

Unsurprisingly, the entire crowd is screaming for her to get 10s across the board. She received a 9.975 out of 10 and her time beat Utah.
She has a well-deserved moment of celebration with her teammates.

Congrats, girl!
Watch her entire routine here.