6 Important Messages You May Have Missed From Beyonce's "Formation" Video
These are the can't miss moments from Queen B's latest release.
1. The sinking police car

The beginning of the video calls attention to the mistreatment of black residents of New Orleans (where the video was shot) during Hurricane Katrina. The sinking police car serves as a symbol of the people who literally drowned during the storm nearly 10 years ago, but also the sinking economic climate of the area that many are still recovering from.
2. "Stop shooting us"

This blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment is one of the most important in the video. A camera pans by a wall that's been spray painted with the phrase "Stop shooting us," blatantly calling for an end to police brutality against black people in America.
3. The boy in the black hoodie

This was one of the most powerful moments in the entire video. A young black boy dances in front of a line of police officers who stand stoically by watching. He extends his arms out as the officers put their arms up in the "hands up don't shoot" gesture that many people adopted while protesting the unlawful killing of Michael Brown in 2014.
4. Blue Ivy

It's exciting to see Blue Ivy for a few reasons. Beyonce and Jay-Z have done a great job of keeping her out of the press and when she has been seen, the media has often criticized her when she's been seen in public wearing her hair naturally (a common occurrence for many black women) so it's great to see her and all of the other women in the video wearing their beautiful natural hair styles.
5. New Orleans Culture

The video for "Formation" was shot in New Orleans, and Beyonce makes sure to highlight the beauty of the local culture which is so often appropriated.
6. "More than a dreamer"

The video, which was released soon after Martin Luther King Jr. Day, also features a reference to Dr. King. A newspaper called The Truth calls him "more than a dreamer," reminding audiences that the minister, activist and humanitarian was much more than his "I Have A Dream" speech.
Watch the full video here.