Puppymonkeybaby Is An Abomination And It Needs To Go Away
Dew not.
Puppymonkeybaby is the worst thing to happen to advertising since, ever.
For those who disagree, I dare you to watch this GIF on loop until you reconsider.

This guy's face pretty much says it all.

I'd define it as a mix of disgust but also pained intrigue because he's being paid to be there.
And Twitter agrees.
Described as "creepy," "terrifying" and "unholy," the Puppymonkeybaby is far from cute.
And it's actually terrifyingly bad for your health and your sleep.
There's really only one explanation to its conception
Or maybe two possible explanations...
Eli still wasn't sure about it by the end of the game
And even Siri was baffled
Because when you look at this, how are you supposed to feel?

Correct answer: ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
So I say we all just take this pact real quick
Banish this image from our minds
And try to ignore the fact that sometimes even bad press is good press.
Forget this abomination ever existed