10 Romantic Comedies With a Male Lead That Are Actually Creepy AF
Yeah, I see you, Edward Cullen.

Edward Cullen may be a hot vampire, but that doesn't make it OK to watch Bella while she sleeps and "protect" her every move. Not to mention Bella's other love interest, werewolf Jacob, who creeps on her just as intensely - even though Bells made it very clear she was in love with Edward. Sigh.

Ted always had a thing for Mary, despite his former awkward nerd status in high school. So what does he do? Hires a private investigator to track her down thirteen years later, and uses the info he finds to trick her into liking him. Umm.

Perhaps the most famous scene in "Love Actually" is when Mark shows up at Juliet's house with homemade signs declaring his love for her. It's so sweet and romantic, right?! I mean... would you really want a guy showing up at your doorstep in the middle of the night professing his love, when you're married to his best friend? Yeah, major red flag.

I know, young Joseph Gordon-Levitt is so damn adorable. His character, however, not so much. He'll do anything to score a date with Bianca, including hiring a guy to date her sister, following her every move and learning a foreign language from scratch.

Just because he's a superhero, doesn't mean he gets stalking privileges. Peter Parker may be your friendly neighborhood hero who turns into Spider-Man to fight crime, but his obsession with Gwen is just creepy. From perching outside her window, watching her do homework and setting her picture as his desktop background, Spider-Man is crossing into major stalker zone.

Steve Carrell's middle-school aged son in the movie was crushing on his 17-year-old babysitter...hard. It wasn't a cute, innocent crush either. He straight up texted her non-stop, sent love letters, biked to her house in the middle of the night, oh, and professed his love for her in front of the entire school. Yikes.

Edward's the quintessential workaholic/rich boy who has a sexist opinion of what women should be like. Not only does he pay Vivian to stay in his room, but he also makes her into what he believes to be "wife material." He gives her his credit card to buy a new, expensive wardrobe and basically, a whole new personality. Gag.

There's so much stalking going on here. While Benjamin is being hunted by cougar, Mrs. Robinson, he ends up following her daughter Elaine to Berkeley, and then later interrupts her wedding by loudly professing his love.

All Noah wants is for Allie to love him! He writes her a letter every day for a year...365 letters. Dude can't take a hint. But hey, she fell for it eventually.

Christian Grey was essentially modeled on Edward Cullen, but that does not make his creeper tendencies OK. Between preying on the innocent Anastasia and following/controlling her every move, this masochistic relationship is disgusting. She should have known to GTFO after he tracked her down at a bar with her friends. Mr. Grey should legit be in jail.