This Guy Fell Asleep At Work And Then The Internet Happened
Reddit user TheOrangeDuke was only on his second day of his new internship when something unfortunate happened: he fell asleep on the job.
It was only a matter of time until someone noticed him. And when they did, well, let's just say they didn't keep it to themselves.

After a coworker of the tech startup noticed the snoozing redditor, they gathered the rest of the troops around for a company photo.
“One of the associates noticed me sleeping,” he told The Huffington Post. “And it just went downhill from there!”
But "downhill" for him was of course "uphill" for fellow redditors, who immediately initiated the standard 'Photoshop Battle' after the photo was posted...

He's pretty much a young Paul McCartney.

The Kool-Aid Man can't even wake him up.

And what's a reddit PsBattle without superimposing ole Nicky boy over everyone?

“I have been diagnosed with anemia, as shown by my amazing skin color, that causes me to be ultra sleepy!” he said.
Well now, don't we feel horrible.

And that's good, because at this point, he doesn't really have a choice.

Thank you, give us so much.