Ready To Change Your Life? Here's 5 Ways To Do It, If You're Up To It
Every once in awhile in life, a person needs to make a 180º turn and start living in a different way than they ever knew before. Changing your life is a life-changing experience, and it sounds like it would be one for the better. There's many ways to change your life, but is changing your life always for the better? Some might say yes, others might say no whilst wallowing in self-pity. It depends on what you want to do with your life, but changing is certainly an option–for better or worse.
1. Plan a vacation to get away from the hustle and bustle, although planning a vacation is a job in it of itself
One of the biggest changes we can make in our lives is to give ourselves more free time and stop grinding our lives to a halt in the name of the grind. Getting out of your typical routine is important for your sanity, but is putting forth all the effort it takes to get away from it all really worth it? Sounds a bit difficult. Let's contemplate it further, maybe tomorrow.
2. Join an exercise program or start an exercise regime, although when you don’t follow through on it, it’ll only make you feel worse about yourself
Exercise is a great way to release endorphins and just feel really satisfied with yourself for having accomplished something. That being said, by entering into a routine of sorts with exercise, you're essentially setting yourself up for failure, because of the high chance you don't follow through with it, you'll just feel like a sap. The only change you'll have made to your life is extra disappointment.
3. Consider opening that business you’ve always dreamed of owning, although you should consider the many, many hoops you’ll need to jump through to get it done
It's great to dream, and opening a business can be one of the most rewarding life changes you'll ever make, that is if it works out. Opening a business is a crapshoot, and is probably just a headache when you think about it. Best stick to the humdrum of your life instead.
4. Embrace a new thrilling hobby like surfing or sky and/or scuba diving, although understanding the risk involved may scare you to death when considering the death potential of said activities
Yes, embracing new hobbies is a defining life-changing moment, because you may find that you enjoy something you never knew you did. Although, the reason you typically avoided thrills to begin with was the horrifying natural consequences of so many activities, so best not to change your life in this fashion, because your life might be subject to change (end).
In the end, one benefit of life changing experiences is that you'll feel a new sense of self. A self that you feel deserves to be better documented, but if you've taken the high-road on all the aforementioned suggestions, you'll probably realize you have very little to write about yourself.
So, what's it going to be? Life changing experiences, or nah? Nah seems easier, huh?