People Notice Your Social Media Habits, So Please: Stop Doing These Things
Social media is the revolutionary tool of the new millennium that allows any and everyone to get their voice out there into the world and make a difference, somehow, someway. Everything that social media users put into these monolithic content creation mechanisms has the potential for global reach, and an increase in #marketshare. The thing about social media is it makes a person think that everything they do is of the highest importance (it may very well be), but here are a few faux pas.

We get it: you want to be validated for your very existence every second of your very existence, but constantly shoveling the notions of your existence down your followers throats' is tough to validate. Point is, your sunset pics on Instagram or your nonstop posting of seemingly profound quotes on Facebook is less than desirable.

If you really wanted to be an investigative or experiential reporter, you should've went to J-School or something. Trusting the news whole-heartedly is obviously not something anyone should do, but getting the gist of things from a high school acquaintance isn't advisable either. So, if that's you: realize "News Feed" doesn't mean your thoughts are actual "news."
People who have 51.3k tweets, but only 97 followers: you're screaming into the void, and nobody is listening, like at all.

When you use Twitter as a texting service, a way to reply to big brands and celebrities while also tweeting every minuscule thought you have like, "Headed out for the day," you're greatly misusing Twitter for what it's worth. Also, that's the reason nobody wants to follow you. Your tweet to "does anybody give a care about this?" ratio is very lopsided, and the only way to fix it is #loggingoff and never back on again. Seriously, just stop.
Do yourself a favor: be less media social, and more personal social.