These State Laws Are So Dumb They'll Offend Every Bit Of Your Intelligence
If you live in Nebraska, you better damn well be sure you have a license before giving your daughter a perm.
It seems many states have strange and weirdly specific laws. While there are certainly some weird laws out there, keep in mind that many "weird laws" lists include only summaries of laws that reduce the law in question to its strangest parts. For example, the law in Alabama that may be summarized "bear wrestling matches are prohibited" was actually relevant and an important animal rights law at one time. The full text of the law states that exploitation of bears is illegal–which, when stated this way, makes sense as an anti-animal cruelty law, though it is rather specific. At one time, bear fights were a somewhat popular (and barbaric) form of entertainment in the US–and really not all that different from dog or cock fights–so perhaps this law isn't as strangely esoteric as you might think.

While many laws on this list have stories similar to the prohibition of bear wrestling matches, some are just plain weird, and are almost certainly the result of the agenda of irresponsible (read: stupid) government. These laws certainly deserved to be mocked into oblivion. Olivet Nazarene University recently made a really cool infographic of 50 of these strange laws (some manipulatively spun to sound stranger than they really other, some earnestly strange), including one from each state. Here are some of my favorites.
The final "s" is silent, okay?

The full text of this law is pretty ridiculous and doesn't even begin to provide a satisfactory explanation for its necessity.

And, according to Michael Smith's Law Blog, it's not.

But I suppose what's in question here is whether or not it's really necessary to have a law prohibiting camels on the highway. Actually, it kind of is–the US military experimented with the use of camels in the deserts of Nevada and Texas in the mid-1800s. The incorporation of camels was in large part an attempt to "civilize" nomadic Native American tribes (which is its own breed of messed up), but you can find more about it in this interesting article by Joe Zentner.

The law's stupidity lies in the fact that there is no explanation given for its existence. The Hampton library in New Hampshire offers one potential explanation, thinking the law might exist "perhaps to give everyone an equal chance to harvest [the seaweed]," which is, as far as I'm concerned, a stupid explanation.

Censorship in any form is infuriating, but it's especially maddening when it comes to literature. What does New Mexico know about sexual morality anyway? Their age of consent is 17.

I mean, if someone's going to cannibalize me while I'm still alive, I want that sucker (pun intended) put away for life.
You can check out all 50 stupid laws on Olivet Nazarene University's website. And hey, maybe if you think your state's law is stupid enough, you can push for repeal. And you can thank me for inciting political change through an Internet article.