Celebrities Can Be Fangirls, Too. Sophie Turner Swoons Over Ryan Gosling
by N/A, 9 years ago |
1 min read
We feel you, girl.
Ryan gosling
game of thrones
SAG Awards
sophie turner
You're familiar with this perfect human specimen, right?

You know, the one who stole our hearts from day one.

Well just imagine you were with Ryan Gosling, enjoying an exclusive event, together, breathing the same air.

(And no, he hasn't given it back in those 20 years of beautiful fame.)

He's just stupid gorgeous.
This would be us trying to explain that joy and awe.

^^ Never have I seen such sexual stuttering.
And this is Sophie Turner's way:
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At the 2016 SAG Awards, Sophie was as stoked as all of us would be to be in the beautiful presence of Ryan Gosling himself, and like the millennial fangirl in all of us, she snapped a quick pic.
Though TBH when you're a "Game of Thrones" actress and look this fabulous, you should just go right up and introduce yourself!
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Either way:

*Conveniently this GIF applies to both Sophie's reaction and Ryan's general existence
Do not show me this again