15 Old-School Valentine's Day Cards That You Got In Elementary School
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
We all remember getting these silly Valentine's from our classmates.
1. I'm sure you will...

2. Sailor Moon was every 90s girl's role model

3. Dino puns make for the best cards

4. Who didn't love The Lion King Valentine's cards?

5. Doug and Patty were the ultimate 90s power couple

6. Nothing says Valentine's day like a dinosaur telling you what to do

7. Who doesn't love threats on Valentine's Day?

8. That's quite a lot

9. Barbie's classic glam made Valentine's Day cards so much more fabulous

10. Leo was the ultimate 90s heart throb

11. The start of a dysfunctional relationship

12. No thorns or beasts

13. From: Garfield, To: Lasagna

14. Happy Valentine's Day from your favorite champ

15. Lisa Frank always made 90s girls feel so special

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