Nap Lovers Unite! 12 Things We All Know To Be True
by N/A, 9 years ago |
3 min read
Sleep is king, and anyone who doesn't understand that is a fool.
1. There's no better feeling than anticipating the onset of a really, really good midday sleep

2. And if anyone tries to interrupt you why you're napping, they will incur your mighty wrath

3. You frequently find yourself craving sweet, sweet sleep, and you could probably nap sitting straight up

4. Even after light activities, you feel exhausted and just crave a brief vacation to dream world

5. Nothing feels better than returning to your nice, cool pillow in the afternoon after you abandoned it in the morning

7. And when they don't leave, you get cranky

6. When you're hanging out with friends, all you can ever think is, "how much longer until these fools leave and I can hit up my dope-ass mattress pad?"

8. And your friends just want to do this to you

9. You often get the feeling that anyone who's trying to prevent your naps has a personal vendetta against you

10. But that after-nap stretch. There's nothing like it

11. The confusion that comes with waking up from a nap and you wake up to find it's dark outside

12. But when it comes down to it, you love naps, and this is all you have to say to the nap haters

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