Pizza Crust Will Never Be The Same Thanks To These New Options At Pizza Hut
by N/A, 9 years ago |
1 min read
All hail the modern descendants of stuffed crust.
You probably remember Pizza Hut from your childhood Book It Days.
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You know, the masterfully motivational program that rewards students with a free personal pizza by reading a certain number of books/pages/minutes etc.
Well they're still out there taking pizza to the next level with creations like this:
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Pictured above: mouthwatering garlic twists
And they're no stranger to pimped out crust like their Cheesy Bite Crust
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P.S. - How did I not know about this sooner?
Well they're back at it with Garlic Knot Crust.
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That's right, no need to also order garlic knots because they're ALREADY ATTACHED TO YOUR PIZZA
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And if that wasn't enough, currently being offered at Pizza Hut locations in New Zealand - Tater Tot Crust.

Note: It really took a lot to not type that in all caps (TBH I did at first and then went back and changed it because I've already used a lot of caps lock in this one piece, because pizza.)
Here's to hoping this fabulous trend makes it stateside, like ASAP.

We raise a slice to you, Pizza Hut. Thanks for making our Pizza-related dreams* come true.
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*AKA all of our dreams
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