If You Want To Have A Happy Life, Avoid These 11 Things No Matter What
by N/A, 9 years ago |
4 min read
Reddit user theone1221 recently posted an intriguing question in this AskReddit forum. We all know life has many pitfalls. Some can be avoided, others can't. This list is more concerned with the latter, but if you're very shrewd, you might be able to dodge those as well. But will you recognize them when you see them?
"What's a trap that almost everyone will fall into at some point in their lives?"
This was the question asked by theone1221 of the AskReddit community. Below are some of the best answers.

1. Yeah, love can be terrible, and you're gonna feel it when it happens to you. The good news: you can always find someone else.
2. It's really amazing (and unfortunate) how many adults never got past this.
Don't be like this.

3. Whatever it is that you want to do, DO IT NOW.
4. "A Year from Now You May Wish You Had Started Today."
A quote from Karen Lamb. Those guitar lessons you've been wanting to take? Sign up today.
5. This is why you should start that essay, or pay those bills you've been putting off.

6. Both of these are tragically spot-on. The best you can do is learn from your mistakes.
7. Maybe not as serious, but goddamn if it isn't annoying as Hell.

There's a 100% chance you do have to get them something, or prepare for a lot of tears and a very, very cold shoulder.
9. Hint: they can't.

10. Credit card debt is an evil, evil trap. Do yourself a favor and stay away, or at least stay on top of it.
11. It's everywhere.
And the only way to stop it is to stop buying everything. So don't hold your breath.

Do not show me this again