Start Your Morning Right With These 6 Yoga Poses You Can Do In Bed
Next time you're aching to hit 'Snooze,' try these poses instead.

Do each of these poses for as long as feels comfortable for you, from a breath or two to a minute or 10!

How to make it happen: Lie on your back with your legs out straight and your arms to your side. Lift one leg and twist it across your body. Try to keep your shoulders from twisting with the rest of your body.
Take it to the next level: To get a deeper stretch, push down on your twisted knee with the same arm and turn your head the opposite direction as your knee.

How to make it happen: Start in a seated position and bring the soles of your feet together gently with your knees out wide. Slowly lower yourself down to your back. Do your best to keep your lower back pressed into your bed by lifting your pelvis slightly.
Take it to the next level: To intensify this pose, gently push down on your inner to mid thighs (note: not your knees).

How to get there: Lie on your back flat (again, keeping your lower back pushed into the bed) and pull one knee up to your chest with your interlaced hands. Keep your foot flexed to reduce pressure on your knee.
Take it to the next level: Straighten your bent leg so it extends directly up and perpendicular to your body, the pull the backside of your thigh in toward your body.

How to get there: Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lift one leg and cross your ankle over the opposite thigh. Remember to keep flexing your foot to protect your knee. Then pull the back of your extended leg's thigh toward your body.
Take it to the next level: The closer to your body your folded legs get, the more intense the stretch should be.

How to get there: Lie flat on your back with your legs out. Slowly lift your legs straight into the air and bring your hands to support your lower back. Continue to bring your legs back, assisting with your hands until your toes touch the bed behind your head. Make sure you aren't dumping weight on your neck, everything should be concentrated in your shoulders.
Take it to the next level: Straighten your legs above your body and push upward into a shoulder stand (proceed with caution).

How to get there: It's almost as simple as it sounds, sit with your butt touching the wall and your legs extending straight up against it at a 90 degree angle.
Take it to the next level: To get in some quick ab work, extend your arms and crunch in small movements up toward your toes.