19 Reasons You'll Never Be a Night Owl No Matter How Hard You Try
by N/A, 9 years ago |
3 min read
You're definitely not a night person.
1. You were always the first one to fall asleep at sleepovers.

And sometimes ended up getting pranked as a result.
2. Nothing makes you happier than your starting your nightly routine in the early evening.

3. You're strong enough to only watch one episode of a show on Netflix before bed.

No late night binge watching for you.
4. Living with roommates who are night owls is the hardest part of your life.

5. Most of your friends think you're ignoring them when you don't answer their late night texts.

6. You are very serious about staying away from spoilers since you watch everything a day after everyone else.

There's no way you could go to sleep on time if you watched "How To Get Away With Murder" with everyone else.
7. You're seriously doing everyone a favor by going to bed early. You're the grumpiest tired person ever.

8. You sometimes go to sleep when it's still light out.

You're not always sure though, since you have the darkest black out curtains ever.
9. You really hate your loud neighbors.

10. There's is no late night Netflix and Chill for you.

11. You refuse to make plans that require you to stay out late.

You've basically given yourself a curfew.
12. You hate it when your friends beg you to stay out late.

"I have a sleep schedule to uphold!"
13. You never go out on weeknights.

Doesn't anyone else have to work in the morning?!
14. Everyone hates you in the morning because you're so chipper.

15. New Year's Eve is your least favorite holiday.

16. Overnight flights make you incredibly grumpy.

17. You tend to leave parties just before something crazy happens.

You just showed up to make an appearance.
18. You can not understand why any movie starts at or after 9 pm.

19. You're used to people making fun of you because of your sleep schedule.

Do not show me this again