Think Your Morning's Rough? Here Are 11 Worse Ways To Get Up In The Morning
There's at least one thing we all know to be true about adulthood: waking up in the morning and feeling the weight of your responsibilities on your groggy shoulders sucks big time. That's made about ten times worse when the way you're actually woken up is extremely unpleasant. Forget the alarm clock, here are reddit's answers (thanks to inquisitor TheCreatorLovesYou) to the question What is the worst possible way to be woken up?
This was the question asked of the AskReddit community by TheCreatorLovesYou. Read on for every possible answer you could imagine.

Yes, yes there are.

4. "Good morning Mr. Kitty, do you have something to tell me? Andddd there's puke everywhere."
5. You can just feel this happening, and it's awful.

Don't do this, btw.
But I agree, it would be terrible to wake up that way.

"Dear brother" indeed.