If Your Bedtime Is Just Before Sunrise, You'll Agree With These 15 Truths
by N/A, 9 years ago |
3 min read
If you can just get to bed before the sun comes up, you're golden.
1. You know how it goes. You have a night to yourself and your only big plan is to GO TO BED EARLY.

2. So you shut off the lights at 9pm... only to realize shortly afterwards what a horrible idea that was.

Who are you kidding? You? Going to bed early?! Hahaha.
3. But you're in denial first. You toss and turn multiple times before realizing that nope, you're not getting any sleep.

Sleep is for the weak, you tell yourself.
4. When you actually do fall asleep it's late AF, so you need to set a million alarms to ensure that you'll actually wake up when you have to.

5. Counting the hours of sleep you get each night gives you severe anxiety.

Anything above four hours is decent.
6. But hey, little sleep just means more creative juices flowing!

You've had some p deep, existential thoughts while tossing and turning throughout the night. In fact, you could write the next Great American novel with your creativity at its highest.
7. You know all of the hot spots that stay open late...
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And you're their best customer.
8. ...because you get the late night munchies like no other.

You average 2-3 dinners a night.
9. You keep refreshing Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook just to procrastinate falling asleep.

10. You've tried the whole counting sheep trick and found it's complete BS.

What a let down.
11. Honestly, as long as you can fall asleep before any ounce of daylight cracks through your windows, that's perfectly fine in your book.

12. ...but you're usually disappointed.

13. If you happen to wake up before noon on a weekend, you're thoroughly confused.

14. Coffee is your survival mechanism.

15. When it comes down to it though, you're a night owl at heart because daylight just sucks.

Do not show me this again