Here's An Experiment You Should Absolutely Never Try At Home
When the MythBusters tested the myth of the imploding railway tanker, something amazing was caught on camera.
If you've never heard of "MythBusters," you're seriously missing out.
MythBusters is a show on Discovery that, well, tests out myths to see if they hold up. In a recent episode, they tested the myth of the imploding tank car. Two railway workers once reported that after cleaning out and sealing up a tanker car, that tanker car experienced rain (which led to heat followed by cooling, a temperature differential) and imploded. Is this a myth? Is the above picture some kind of clever photoshop? Read on.
Is this a myth, or could it actually happen?
Check out the video to see Adam and Jamie's process for preparing the experiment. It involves a massive boiler and some dangerous exploring, not to mention the difficulty of actually obtaining a tanker to try and implode in the first place.

These are a few 55-gallon drums latched together. It's impressive though not quite the real thing.

There's a big difference between imploding a model and imploding one of these gigantic things. What do you think? Will this myth prove to be a bust, or will they implode this massive cylinder of steel?
Watch this video to see what happens.
It's absolutely incredible. Hint: the tanker does indeed implode.