It Takes Some Serious Nerve To Wear What This Woman's Wearing
Whatever you do, DO NOT ever try this for yourself.
She might sound like a stereotypical new-age pseudoscientist, but her practice is actually really cool. She attempts to heal people's body energies (still not 100% clear on what that means) by dancing in a "bee suit," and it's an awesome display of bravery and it's undoubtedly very spiritual.
Before the Bee Dance, a number of steps have to take place. First: locating the queen of the bee hive.
The queen's pheromones cause the other bees to swarm Mapelli, creating a "bee suit" for her to dance in.
Hopefully there will be more to come.
Mapelli frequently talks with people about their fear of bees. By wearing the bees and dancing with them, she sees herself as helping those people to remove their fear of nature. Though perhaps sometimes a healthy fear of nature isn't a bad thing.
According to Mapelli, "it's a little uncomfortable," which might be a bit of an understatement. She has to work hard to stay calm, and the bees are supposedly quite loud. While some of us may not fully understand her reasoning for doing the Bee Dance, it's pretty cool and takes a lot of bravery to do. So congrats, Sara Mapelli. Keep it up.