"Be Like Bill" Meme Calls Out Bad Social Media Habits: Are You Guilty Of Any ?
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
Chances are, you know someone who's extremely obnoxious on social media. Actually, you probably know a lot of people like that. This meme is perfect for them.
"Be Like Bill" is the perfect passive-aggressive meme for dropping a hint to annoying Facebook friends.

Sure, you could just de-friend people who annoy you on social media, but where's the fun in that?
"Be Like Bill" is a simple meme. A poorly-rendered stick figure of a man named Bill is usually standing by himself (or with his GF or nephew), or he's sitting at a computer.

Most of the memes involve something social media-related.

Because social media has an overabundance of annoying people.
Bill is also frequently praised for not being stupid.

Occasionally, Bill can be uplifting and inspirational.

Bill can also be motivation to love more.

Mostly, though, Bill is a guide for what not to do on social media.

Sometimes Bill's memes get a little specific.

And even more passive-aggressive than you'd expect. This is definitely meant for a specific person.
Bill's meme can also be a PSA.

While Bill may be in love, he doesn't overdo it.

Okay, this is legitimately annoying. Definitely be like Bill.

Of course, there have been a few variations on the meme.

Which is inevitable, because Internet.
Occasionally, Bill comes off as a bit of an anarchist.

One of the most important points made by the meme: sometimes it's best to keep things to yourself.

Yep, this about sums it up.

Good work, Bill.
Do not show me this again