The Party Doesn't Start Til This Alcohol-Guzzling Robot Pops Onto The Scene
Are you all alone right now, but you also could really use a drink? Drinky's got your back.

Finding drinking alone to be depressing, Park poured another glass to pretend he had a drinking partner. This made him feel better, and even seemed to make the rice wine taste better. After that, Park decided to invent Drinky so he'd never have to drink alone again.

Cheers, Drinky.

The booze is recycled into the jar that makes up the lower half of Drinky's body, which means you can still drink it! As long as you don't have a problem with drinking booze that's been cycled through a robot.

With Drinky, you'll no longer have to face the crushing depression of drinking alone. Thanks, Drinky! You can't buy one of these for yourself yet, but hopefully, it'll be coming soon.