9 Stupidly Overpriced Things For People Who Like To Waste Their Money
High-end fashion and decorating is pretty counter-intuitive. There's this trend right now in the upper echelons of the decorating and fashion worlds called "shabby chic." Basically, it's crappy stuff (or nice stuff designed to look crappy) that costs a lot of money. If you've ever seen Zoolander, you might think of it as "Derelicte." This comparison is fitting because Shabby Chic is ridiculous and deserves to be parodied.

I should be offended by this, right?

This seems familiar...

Oh right, this is basically like something out of Zoolander.

Nobody said looking poor was cheap.

This dress is selling on Etsy, which is very strange to me. I feel like I could make one of these in like 2 hours tops.

It's not the ugliest thing in the world, but it's a t-shirt, and you can buy one that'll do the job just fine for like $5. Fucking Yeezus.

9. This sea shell-bedazzled fireplace/TV console is extremely offensive to the eyes and it costs $35,000.

I wonder how much the shipping is.
Obviously, I don't understand high-end fashion and decorating.