9 Types Of Women In Chick Flicks That Don't Actually Exist
Romantic comedies are fun, light-hearted and at the least, entertaining.
But they are definitely not real life, nor are the female protagonists.
From the quirky girl who marches to the beat of her drum to the sweet girl who just can't seem to find "the one", Hollywood has created several archetypes of women and molded them into a caricature rather than a relatable human being. It's been done time and time again, it's actually just comical.

Examples: Jennifer Coolidge in "Legally Blonde", Dee in "Clueless", Judy Greer in "27 Dresses", "The Wedding Planner", "What Women Want."
She's always there to say, "yeah, you can do it! You'll find love! You won't be single forever!" The BFF is always cheery and super supportive of the protagonist. She'll spend hours analyzing your love situation with you. Sign me up!
Only problem is while best friends exist and all, they have their own lives and don't live to be their friends cheerleaders at all hours of the day. These characters exist for the sole purpose of finding out what's going on in the mind of the protagonist.

Examples: Olivia Wilde in "Drinking Buddies", Mila Kunis in "Friends With Benefits", Rosamund Pike in "Gone Girl" (until we learn she's actually a psycho).
This girl is just one of the guys. She drinks beer, watches sports and is always down to party. Oh, and she's smoking hot. Did I not mention that? Guys are drawn to her because they don't have to deal with explaining feelings and mushy gushy stuff.

Examples: Natalie Portman in "Garden State", Zooey Deschanel in "500 Days of Summer", Kate Hudson in "Almost Famous," Kate Winslet in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
Sorry to disappoint all the brooding guys longing for an adorably weird girl that will "complete them", but this girl does not exist. The MPDG is convoluted, neurotic, bubbly, and just so, so ~quirky~ they can't help but fall in love. Their sole purpose in films exists to teach introverted men to embrace life's mysteries and adventures. Men often get their hearts broken by the MPDG, but at least, they learned a few lessons.

Examples: Kirsten Dunst In "The Virgin Suicides", Drew Barrymore in "Never Been Kissed"
She's so pure and innocent and virginal, guys just want to be the one to deflower her... and leave her on a football field. This type of character is innocent to the extreme, but she has a secret, hidden rebellious side just dying to come out.

Examples: Julia Stiles in "10 Things I Hate About You", Jennifer Lawrence in "Silver Linings Playbook"
The jaded girl is full of angst and rebellion because she's used to being hurt and disappointed by people. These characters are sassy and act out but in an overly dramatic way. It takes a little more effort to crack this girl, but once you do she's yours forever.

Examples: Renée Zellweger in "Jerry Maguire", any rom-com Jennifer Aniston is in.
She's sweet-natured and angelic, so guys can't help but fall in love! Her only flaw is that guys don't seem to notice her... until they magically wake up and realize that he's been in love with her all along.

Examples: Sandra Bullock in "The Proposal", Jessica Biel in "Valentine's Day", Katherine Heigel in "The Ugly Truth"
This woman is often feared by other women because of her extreme intensity. Obviously, it's great that rom-coms are portraying strong women driven to succeed in her career, but it's always the same story: the tough-as-nails career woman meets "the one" and suddenly her soft side comes out. Who would have thought?

Examples: Cameron Diaz in "There's Something About Mary", Anne Hathaway in "The Devil Wears Prada", Jessica Alba in "Good Luck Chuck"
Mindy Kaling pointed out that when Hollywood casts a gorgeous leading lady who has a high-profile job and manages to stay skinny despite her chowing down greasy food constantly, she needs a flaw - and that's making her a klutz. No matter how many times she trips and falls in front of her man, he still loves her anyway.

Examples: Amy Adams in "Leap Year", Mandy Moore in "Because I Said So", Katherine Heigl in "Knocked Up", Kate Beckinsale in "Serendipity"
This woman is on a mission... to find her one true love. Her life revolves around finding the perfect man to complete her. Then, all of a sudden, she finds herself in a complicated love triangle. But which one will she choose?! She's gotta go with the one her heart really wants!