7 Hilarious Renditions of Some of Reddit's Best Shower Thoughts
Reddit has a forum called /r/Showerthoughts, in which people share the often strange but frequently brilliant thoughts they have while in the middle of a mundane activity. Jacob Andrews, a comic artist for CollegeHumor, illustrated several of these, and the results are hilarious.
Despite the horrendous spelling and grammar here, this thought is fairly logical. If Hippos participated in athletics, of course.

The illustration takes it one step further though–little did we know, hippos crush it on bicycles.

On second thought, it would just be terrible and pathetic.

Other favorites include "emotional close up" and "humorous cutaway."

Can you imagine how horrifically annoying we must be to our canine friends?

I don't recommend trying it. If you do manage to make that happen, you'll totally be this guy. Immense pride followed by the ouchies.
This could actually be a genius plan by Apple. Think of how many people are stupid enough to believe this. Millions of new phones would be purchased overnight.

Yes, this would make you an idiot.

Come on, it's been 2,000 years. Write something else, God! Who do you think you are, Harper Lee?