Dad's Loan Rejection For His Six-Year-Old Is Cruel And Hilarious
When you're six-years-old, the only thing you understand is fun. And sometimes that fun comes with a price tag -- so you do what every sensible Kindergartener would do: you ask for a loan.
However, little did one unfortunate six-year-old know, that simply asking his father for $20 meant walking into the 'Bank of Dad' loan agency.
Yes, son.
"Can I borrow some money?"
Let me review your file, first.
Oh boy, you're not going to like this.
Well, DAD, you must be made of money, because you clearly didn't flinch wasting this paper and ink, and your time on this Earth, drafting a faux-"loan application" to your six-year-old son. Yes, you're clearly made of money, but stingy when it comes to using it on one of your son's general interests.
Get that kid out of there, before he starts getting spreadsheets on his electricity usage or something. This kid is getting himself into debt, and he hasn't even had to face the tragedy of student loan debt yet. Guessing dear ole DAD isn't going to come to the rescue on that matter, either.