This Mural Of Rey And BB-8 Made A Little Fangirl's Dreams Come True
“The Force is strong in our family, and always has been.”

Seven years later and it's pretty evident that wish was fulfilled.

“Here was a young girl learning to use the Force like a Jedi, and flying the Millennium Falcon, and shooting a blaster,” Rose said. “It was amazing, and I was happy she loved Rey, and that she could imagine herself as the hero of the story.”

“Her big brother went on a tirade asking how they could leave Rey out of sets because it made it impossible to act out scenes from the movie,” Rose said. “But when she got that toy, she was just so excited, and that put the plan in motion.”

“Her reaction was hysterical,” said Rose of her daughter. “She flattened herself to the wall trying to hug that mural, and cheered with joy, and then flung herself on the floor.”
Suffice it to say she was psyched beyond words.

Any time the shoes inexplicably come off, you know they're excited.

Just way too adorable.

“She’s always loved Star Wars, and now she gets to be a Jedi just like her big brother,” she says.