You Will Never Sleep Easy Again After Looking At These 17 Nightmarish Dolls
Sweet dreams.

Take this moment to be thankful for your mom.
2. Ventriloquism has always been creepy, but this is just on a whole other level.

3. Is this where MADtv got their logo from?

And are those freckles or liver spots?
4. Get the hell out of here right now. Seriously, leave.

In the same breath, they nailed his features.
5. Just boycott antique stores forever. You're not missing anything.

Other than the inspiration and subjects of your next series of nightmares.
6. What is this, Madonna as a Crank Yanker?

7. If cowboys looked like this, Wild West movies would be absolutely horrific.

8. Uncle Rico needs to stop collecting...

9. Like, seriously Rico, stop.

Also, can we take a minute to observe the debaucherous murals of voluptuous-assed women in the background?
10. I don't care how many apples it takes, I'll consume a whole goddamn orchard if it keeps him away.

11. NOPE. UH UH. NO.

This is not okay.
12. Soooo it's crying honey? Or pee? Whatever.

Seriously convinced those are real eyes.
13. Doll, incarnated doll, or actual tiny person? It's a complete fucking tossup.

14. American Girl Doll called. They want their demon possessed emo hipster back.

15. OMG only $16?!? WHAT A STEAL.

16. She survived the fire...and now she's coming for you.

Bitch needs some lotion doe.
17. So yeah, good luck sleeping ever again.