Parents Who Don't Know About These 13 Products Are Doing It Wrong
You really should get these if you want to stay sane.

It might look pretty gross, but it'll make dealing with a sick baby so much easier.

If your baby is struggling from colic or an upset stomach a little bit of this will calm them right down.

This pillow will let you lay your baby down to nurse or sit up to play in a position that's comfortable for them.

If swaddling is super confusing for you, this will make it easier.

This super concentrated zinc oxide ointment is super concentrated so it'll clear up diaper rash and make your little comfortable again.

These will make constantly wiping your kids nose a lot more comfortable for them and easier for you.

Avoid getting diaper rash cream all over your hand with these simple tool. It's also great if you're changing your baby in a public place that doesn't have a sink.

Get proper back support and carry your little one safely with this carrier. You can even nurse on the go with it.

This brightly colored rattle is a simple but effect toy that even newborns can grasp easily and play with for hours.

Swaddle your baby or clean up spit up easily with these blankets.
11. Baby Backseat Mirror for Car

Drive with more peace of mind when you can take occasional peeks at your kid.

This portable white noise machine with help you put your baby to sleep almost anywhere.

This adorable plush can help you sleep train your baby.