20 Tweets That Writers Will Get A Good Laugh At Because They Are So True
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
Writers deal with these frustrations all the time.
1. Always make time for crying between edits.

2. Are any of your friendships real?

3. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

4. How many o's?

5. We're looking at you George R.R. Martin.

6. You're on the road to success.

7. You work on your own schedule.

8. It's not binge watching. It's research.

9. Late night writing sessions often yield weird results.

10. Your name is probably already on a list somewhere.

11. Naming your characters is very important to you.

12. Oh, nothing...

13. When it takes you all day to get through a paragraph.

14. You know exactly how to motivate yourself.
15. Seriously. Help. Me.

16. When you just sit like this for twenty minutes.

17. The life of an editor.

18. When your ambitions get the best of you.

19. Fuchsia is as horrible a word as it is a color.

20. It's a painful profession.

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