What's Your Favorite Way To Listen To Music? Really? I Know Exactly Who You Are As A Person
There's so many different ways to listen to music in this world, because technology and the music industry are constantly looking for ways to get this tuneage inside your head, so you'll interact with it, buy all the merchandise surrounding it and simultaneously stuff the pockets of musicians and corporate big-wigs alike. That being said, whatever you so choose to be the medium in which you consume copious amounts of music says a lot about your personality.
*This is in no way an exhaustive list*
1. If the most enjoyable way to listen to your favorite musical artist is on vinyl…

You most likely are the kind of person who only enjoys music from an elder generation from yourself. Even if you do like current music, you are way to cool to enjoy anything that might be heard on the radio, so these vinyl additions are some unknown, yet up and coming band that will immediately turn into "sell-outs" in your eyes once they do in fact make it.
2. If you think listening to music through streaming services is the ultimate experience…

You are contributing to the decline of the music industry, and you, yourself are as much of a criminal as the people who created "services" such as Spotify, Pandora and the like. Every time you listen to music on one of these "services" you're essentially taking a big dump on musicians around the globe, because you simply don't think they deserve to be paid for their work.
3. If you just love listening to the radio more than anything…

You probably don't have much of a taste in music at all. You'll just tune in to whatever tune is on and listen to it. You don't care. Whatever the corporate big-wigs in the music industry have peddled down to radio DJs as being popular and hencethereforth played on repeat until most people's heads would explode…that's something you'd really like to hear–again.
4. If you enjoy listening to your music as an mp3 file through your iPod or some other similar device…

You have no idea the effect those earbuds are having on your hearing ability as we speak (which we may need to do louder, because you're getting deafer by the minute). You also are not really that much of a fan of any of the artists you claim to be a fan of, because what is most likely true about your iTunes library is that, instead of buying the entirety of albums, you just buy "the hits" for 99¢ a piece.
5. If for you the most rewarding music experience is to listen it to it live, in person at a music festival…

Let's just be honest: you probably don't even like music at all. You love music festivals, but not because of the music part of it, rather, for the drug part of it (see tripped out GIF above). You're not really into the music, but instead are into the vibrations all the loud noise puts off onto your highly-sensitive body from the drugs and booze you've most certainly consumed. When people ask how the festival was, rather than telling some story about an epic show, you'll say, "I was so lit."