6 Techniques That Make You Appear Nice Even If You're A Jerk Underneath
Being kind to others is an important part of life, because being kind is the best way to show people you're capable of showing positive emotions. When you're kind, people notice it, and they subsequently want to repay the favor at a later date. They don't necessarily need to know what you're feeling underneath it all, as long as the outward expression of kindness is represented. When kindness is noticed, the kindness will be returned full-circle to you at a later date, except they'll mean it.
1. Just smile more often, because when you smile, people really know that you're being kind.
Even if you generally don't think this particular person you're facing deserves to be smiled at, go ahead and give them a big ole ear-to-ear grin. If you do that, it's very clear you're in fact a kind person and they can feel at ease when interacting with you. This is a perfect social cue for anyone that's unsure whether you're kind of not. Leave no doubt of kindness in your heart, and smile away!
2. Say, "good morning," more often, even if in your heart of hearts you know it's simply the first lie you tell every day.

Okay, so you may not be a morning person, but that doesn't mean other people are not. Instead of being very unkind and not greeting people with a simple little "good morning," all you have to do is mutter those two words, and BOOM: kind-hearted person is now your persona. Even if mornings to you are a hell-sent part of life, it's okay to tell a white lie to those around you and pretend that this is a good morning. That's how kindness begins–every day.

A simple thumbs-up here, a high-five there and people are really going to see just how kind you are. They'll want to start giving you more compliments in return, except the awesome part of this is that their compliments will probably be more legitimate. You're just going around giving thumbs-up to show how kind you are, but then it comes back around in a big way for you, because you'll start getting them in return, but not as a sarcastic gesture like what you've been doing to others.

To be truly kind, you need to reciprocate feelings of appreciation. The easiest way to do that is by simply thanking people for what it is that they've done. It doesn't matter how you actually feel, because what you're going for here is to get someone to realize just how kind you are. They'll thank you for your kindness at a later date, and just like that you've got another win in your pocket, such as in point #3.

By telling someone, "It's okay, take your time–no rush," or even, "I forgive you," you're opening the kindness of your heart up to another individual. They'll see just how kind you are, because you have outwardly shown the ability to not hold a grudge or grown disgruntled to quickly. Little do they know you may be holding that grudge inside, but since they don't know that, they'll most likely be more patient or forgive you for wrong-doings of your own in the future. It's all about appearances!
6. Celebrate your victories (and others) with big gestures, because that's what it means to be kind…plus you'll definitely want that in return.

Truly kind people make it a big deal when others accomplish something. Throw a little party, even if it's just drinks after work. Raise a glass. Make people aware of whatever it is that this person has done, and then and only then will a large group of people see just how kind you are. That's when things get fun, because then next time you accomplish something, people will remember how kind you were, and throw a masquerade in your honor! Funny, considering your gesture was a masquerade as well.