This Woman's Gift To Her Long Distance Boyfriend Is All Kinds Of Amazing
Long distance relationships present a lot of obstacles. It isn't easy to feel close to someone when that person is physically distant. The woman from this imgur gallery, however, knows exactly how to handle her long distance relationship.

After she returned home, she waited three days, and the two exchanged these messages. This is some serious cuteness. This guy has no idea what's in store for him.

This would be a cool gift on its own, but it's what's inside the briefcase that'll leave tiny hearts in your eyes.

OMG... cute sensors overloading...

This one is one of the most poignant envelopes. I'm dying to see what's inside.

And we all know thoughtful gifts are the best kinds of gifts.

Vulnerability can be a tough thing for guys, but she seems to know just how to access that side of him.
The envelopes included are so well rounded–she hits on every bit of what makes a relationship special.

Even the sexy bits!

But I still really wanna know what's inside these envelopes!