You Were Sure To Find These 20 Items In Every Teenage Girl's Closet In The Early 2000s
In case you haven't heard, the early 2000s are making a huge fashion come back, so let's revisit all of the things your trendy teenage-self used to own.

Everyone who was anyone owned a velour tracksuit, but the ~cool kids~ owned the authentic Juicy Couture ones, even in multiple colors. Bonus points for anyone who would wear both the hoodie and sweatpants together.

You would wear UGGs with everything, whether it was with your denim mini or even your Juicy tracksuit. These were the most versatile shoes ever and you totally exhausted them.

Were you really anyone if you weren't wearing a polo with that moose logo in the upper left corner? You owned these polos in so many colors, you could wear a new one each day and not run out. Here are other Abercrombie items you definitely, totally owned.
4. Hollister/Abercrombie logo tees

Along with your A&F polos, logo tees from Hollister were just as important. It wasn't about style, it was about the brand you were wearing.

Remember when everyone and i mean everyone wore these bracelets around their wrists? The bracelets supported the Livestrong/Lance Armstrong Foundation, which provided help to people affected by cancer, but these bracelets were the real deal to any '00s gal.

Pleated skirts looked great with all the polos you owned and your velour hoodie thrown over it. They usually went against your school's dress code rules for being too short, but you'd get away with wearing them anyway.

Mood rings were all the rage and could easily be picked up at your local Hot Topic.

Why butterfly clips were so trendy, I don't know, but your favorite Disney/Nickelodeon heroines were always sporting a trendy array of them, and you just had to pick them up from Limited Too for yourself.

Much like pleated skirts, denim minis were equally as much of a big deal. You'd wear them with anything and everything, like UGG boots and/or patterned tights.

Hoop earrings used to be HUGE, and you spent all your time in Claire's trying to pick out the perfect ones.

Chokers are just one of the early '00s trends making a comeback, and you used to own a number of tattoo chokers along with your other jewelry.

You always used to keep Lip Smackers in your backpack and you and your friends would debate which flavor was the best.

You were nothing and nobody without roll-on body glitter, and you'd always be sure to throw some on before your school dances.

The idea of scrunchies made of hair is so gross, but you used to tie your hair up in a bun or half ponytail and accessorize it with one of these.

Bath & Body works was always on your list of stores when you went to the mall with your friends, and you would spend hours in there. Here's a detailed list of every product you definitely owned.

Crimping your hair before school dances to look good for your crush was a must.

Once again, fashion was all about flashy brands, so having designer bags (or at least pretending you did with a knockoff) was without a doubt a must.

You would wear your bejeweled cross necklaces with tank tops, polos, etc.

Peasant tops were ~so boho~ in the early '00s, and you had a bunch with different designs and colors that you'd pair with your denim mini.

Every scene kid owned a studded belt from Hot Topic 'cause it looked oh so great with all the black you'd wear.