The Dashcam Recorded A Man Driving Off The Side Of A Mountain In This Terrifying Video
This guy has an extremely close call.
Especially if you're driving way too fast on a road you're unfamiliar with, like this guy was. Do not try this at home. But do take a lesson from the guy behind the wheel in this video–if you're driving too fast on a dangerous road, this could be you. Except you might not be as lucky.

At least, it started out that way.

Note the extreme drop off on the edge of the road, and the lack of guardrails.

And this was an extremely dangerous and childish mistake.

He stomps on the brakes, which is mistake number one, and his car begins to spin out of control.


But never mind what could have happened to him–if someone else had been coming the opposite way on the road, he could've sent them over the edge too.