The Owner Of This Car Never Imagined This Would Happen To His Car In Just One Night
I think I'm going to be sick...
It looks like spider webbing, and it's super creepy.
As you can see, everything around the car was coated in the silk webbing.
The caterpillars started out on a particular food plant–probably a tree, flower, or nearby bush. As they grew in size, they needed webbing for protection from birds, their primary predator. As they moved, their webbing moved with them.
The caterpillars began to occupy such a large space because, well, they reproduce quickly–about 50 eggs are laid at a time. Since they needed to expand to find more food, the caterpillars worked as an army of labor to extend the reach of their web. Gotta have that defense.
Of course, the caterpillars didn't think the car was food.
In order to find new food, though, the caterpillars had to expand their searchable area, and had to take their defense with them. That meant covering everything in the general area with webbing as they searched for sustenance. Thus, the car was covered.
You'd probably be totally freaked out. I know I would be.