Science Helps Answer Whether Childbirth Or A Kick In The Nuts Is More Painful
Men and women have a different point of view on the world, and there's really no denying that. Sure, we're all human, and it'd be ridiculous to not understand where someone of the opposite sex is coming from. In the end, though, there are just some experiences that just can't be understood with across sexes. What are those experiences? The most pain either sex can feel: getting kicked in the testicles vs. giving birth.
However, as you can imagine, it's not really that simple. Pain comes from a very specific set of cells that both males and females have, but it's up to a person what level of pain they can actually handle. Essentially, that's why as a man you'd think getting kicked in the nuts is worse than childbirth because you can't imagine any worse feeling than your testicles being smashed. The same is true for females in terms of giving birth.
The pain cells are known as nociceptors which only fire once a certain pain "threshold" has been surpassed. They can either fire quickly, or produce a prolonged and dull sensation of pain.
Now, both the female uterine area and the male testicles are covered in these nociceptors, which means both are susceptible to shooting off lots of triggers for pain inducing screams of agony. Still, we haven't answered your question: which hurts more?
Well, without giving away the answer, watch as the narrator from AsapSCIENCE walks you through the entire (painful) process of which blow to the body is worse.
It's a tie! It's really up to you. Whether you're male or female, your ability to take pain is completely up to you, because pain is not a stimulus. So now, if the opposite sex tells you that you'll never understand the pain they've just felt from one of these two activities, you can actually say that you have.
The only advice we can offer is that of men: don't regularly get kicked in the balls (mostly because it hurts), because you may never be able to aid in the process of procreation.