This McDonalds In A Colonial Home Is Everything Most McDonalds Restaurants Are Not
The classiest place to eat a Big Mac.

They're usually fairly flashy...

And they're masters of marketing.

And while many have franchises have opted for a more modern look to attract guests...

This location in Freeport, Maine went with a different tactic.

In 1983, the historic house was converted from a dentist's office to the McDonald's it is today.

The project was initially met with criticism from a local group called the "Freeport Mac Attack," because of concerns that the restaurant would be located in a primarily residential area.

The renovations took place, however, and the restaurant has been serving the public for more than 30 years.

Even a drive-thru was added to the 166-year-old structure.

However, they did preserve certain traditional aspects at the location including a more formal dining room complete with mahogany furniture.

No word on whether the food is served with crystal and china, but we're still lovin' it.