This Spring There's Going To Be A Free Nutella Festival And Everyone Wants To Go
by N/A, 9 years ago |
1 min read
BRB, booking my tickets to Australia ASAP.
Does Nutella speak to your soul? Does your mouth water when you scoop the chocolatey spread onto your toast/pancakes/directly into your mouth?

Then you HAVE to book your tickets to Australia ASAP for this Nutella extravaganza, Nutella-palooza.
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The first-ever Nutella festival on April 9 features cooking demonstrations, bakery and chocolate stalls, food trucks, art installations and more.
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So basically, it's a Nutella lover's paradise.
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Because you know everything tastes better with Nutella.
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Oh, and best of all it's FREE.
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The event was organized by a group of fans and was supported by the Splash Adelaide program.
Happy Nutella eating, y'all.
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