From The Outside They Don't Look Like Much, But Inside Is The Retreat You've Desired
Getaway is an Eco-friendly company that is embracing the trend of tiny living and doing it in style and small doses for people seeking a break in the Boston area.

There's an understandable fascination with the simple lifestyle.

Starting at $99 a night, 2-4 people can stay in one of the tiny cabins.

They're all in secluded locations in the woods that are kept secret until after booking.

Though each is guaranteed to be within 2 hours driving distance from Boston.

Each cabin also has different sleeping arrangements: The Clara has two additional twin-sized beds (pictured above), while The Ovida has offers two more twin sleeping nooks.

Access to the homes is granted via personalized codes and a handy guide curated by the Getaway team provides an overview of the features as well as nearby activities.

So pack up a few essentials, and get back to basics with Getaway's adorable tiny cabins.