20 Hilarious Photos That Shed Light On Why Drunk You Is Your Number One Nemesis
It's probably time sober you started seeing drunk you for what he/she really is: your mortal enemy.

2. In fact, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near it.

Or your toolshed.
3. Drunk you is a terrible pet owner.

4. And an even worse gift-giver.

5. Drunk you is a huge dick to delivery guys.

6. And can't be trusted to keep literally anything safe.

7. Drunk you has no concept of rationale.

8. Seriously. None.

9. Drunk you is not good with conversations.

10. Drunk you is destructive without even trying.

11. Drunk you is horrible at doors.

12. Like, REALLY horrible.

13. And beds too.

14. Drunk you is creepy af sometimes.

15. And should never be allowed on Facebook. Ever.

No exceptions.
16. Every idea drunk you has is a stupid one.

17. Hell, drunk you can't even take off their own shoes.

18. Drunk you finds the dumbest shit hilarious.
19. And literally lives to make sober you's life a living hell.

You got you good, man. You got you good.
20. Plain and simple, drunk you is a big, dumb idiot.