Photos Of A Young Bernie Sanders May Awaken Some Sexual Feelings In You
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
Are you feelin' the Bern now?
You're familiar with Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator who's currently running for the Democratic nomination for presidential candidacy.

In order to really know Bernie and what he stands for though, one must dig into his past. While he did some great things as a youngster, like protest segregation with sit-ins, we're a little distracted by something else...

...what a FOX this man used to be.

Can we just.

Bernie was a leader and social activist from a young age with a full head of curly hair.

Can't you just see yourself hanging out in a hip coffee shop with young Bern?

Look at how adorable he is with his thick-rimmed glasses and smile of a champion.

Go ahead, FEEL THE BERN.

Do not show me this again