If You've Always Dreamed Of Having A Pet Bear, This Is The Dog For You
Since you've been but a little human, you've surely been able to distinguish the difference between a bear and a dog. Bears are those big scary things you may come across in the woods and/or a stuffed animal you snuggle. Dogs are the living, breathing creatures that you can snuggle without fear of imminent death, and they live in the comfort of your home. Their lifestyles are completely different their habitats. So, the question, "Is this a bear or a dog?" seems theoretically easy, right?
The caption is funny and makes you think, but the question remains:
"Is this a bear or a dog?"
What do you think? The teeth seem to resemble that of a bear cub, but the cuddly, fluffiness seems to resemble that of a puppy. Dare you get in there and go for a snuggle? The person in the photo was brave enough to hold this bear/dog hybrid up, but would you potentially risk getting mauled by this adorable abomination?
Well, NotBridget, I wish I could help you at the current moment, but I'm still unsure and just as freaked out as you are. However, there's no need to completely wig out over whatever in the hell this creature is, because there is some light hearted fun that can be had with this.
Whatever this bear/dog hybrid is, it is indeed unbearable, and being this thought came from a docter I'd have to say I completely agree with this sentiment. However, I digress from the concerned and the comedians, and get back to the point:
"Is this a bear or a dog?"
Surely, somebody can explain whether this is a bear or a dog to these two. For all we know, the wife could be correct and this is in fact a bear cub that has been brought into doggie daycare. Nobody has offered up any definitive evidence for either side of the argument…until now.
It would seem this is in fact a Pomeranian mix of some sort, and the argument has been settled. Although that seems like the logical reasoning here, is it to crazy to think that somebody has a pet bear cub and brought it (slyly) into a doggie daycare for some much needed assistance?