Watch Lesbians Touch A Penis For The First Time Because Their Reactions Are Hilarious
Self-described singing duo/lesbian couple Bria and Chrissy have a huge YouTube following. Their videos aim to promote equality and education for the LGBTQ community, with some laughs along the way. They recently posted a video of lesbians touching a penis for the first time and it's hilarious for men and women alike. It got kind of awkward, but their descriptions were pure gold.

"I’ve done public speaking and I hate public speaking, nearly gotten hit by a car… and this is definitely the most nervous I’ve ever been."

"It feels like when I was a butcher and I'd stuff the turkey necks with the corn on the cob for Christmas."

"Alright, I notice there's sort of a lot of hair going on, so that's nice."

"Maybe [it feels] a little bit like a noodle. Not like the noodle you play in the water with, but the noodle you get at an Italian restaurant."

I mean, that's an extremely impressive description.

"I didn't think balls would be that big."