Photoshops Of The Infamous Jeb Bush Groping Are Here And They're Hilarious
The reddit community /r/Photoshopbattles is a home for users to manipulate preexisting pictures into something new and often brilliantly hilarious. Recently, a photo surfaced of Jeb Bush essentially getting "felt up" at a political rally. Reddit user BoBoLoban posted the photo to the Photoshopbattles community, and some of reddit's best and brightest immediately hopped on the photo and created instances of pure comedic gold. You don't want to miss this. Check out the full thread for more.

The photo of Jeb getting "felt up" by a "supporter" of his "politics" has made its rounds on the internet, but it reached a whole new level of importance when reddit users got their hands on it.
You can find more examples on the original thread. And I highly recommend you check them out. Who knew Jeb was such a baller?

John Travolta is like Santa. He can be everywhere at once.

He's a true artist.

He went by the moniker Jeb Vicious.

Here he is, moshing away.

And let's hope that the Donald Trump picture won't be playing either.

And who else could play Kylo Ren besides good ol' Dick?

The painting was originally known as American Jeb, and then later Jeb Gothic, before Wood decided Jeb simply looked too American to stand in for the painting and opted to use his dentist as a model instead.

Keep it slow and steady, Jeb.