Someone Made A Gingerbread Castle Of Hogwarts And It's Everything You Could Want And More
by N/A, 9 years ago |
1 min read
"It's not really the ceiling, it's bewitched to look frosted and delicious. I read about it in Hogwarts: A Cookbook." - Gingerbread Hermione
So you're familiar with this version of Hogwarts. But how about a sweeter version?

Reddit user Louisesiuol fulfilled all our wildest and sweetest Hogwarts dreams with this FABULOUS gingerbread version of Hogwarts.

Everything visible is edible as it was made for a competition. Even the green roof was dyed gingerbread!

It looked amazing even before all the decoration.

She explained it took a few days to design the castle and then another week or so to bake, decorate, and assemble it.
And it's perfectly finished with all the candy touches (presumably purchased at Honeydukes).

I mean, look at that door. Ten points to Gryffindor!

Good enough to eat, for sure!

Do not show me this again