Be A Grown Up Please And Don't Let Your Laziness Result In These 17 Habits At Home
by N/A, 9 years ago |
3 min read
"I did dishes last month. It's your damn turn."
1. Nothing broken ever gets properly fixed, because you know it'd take 15 minutes bare minimum.

And that's way too much time to spend thinking and moving.
2. When lights go out, they stay out...until the very last damn one's gone out.

3. Recycling becomes a masterful game of both Tetris and Jenga combined.

Rule: whoever causes it to fall takes it out.
4. And pizza boxes pile up to heights tall enough to reach the damn ceiling.

5. You all call dibs for not answering the door, and expect its integrity to be fully upheld.

6. When the proper utensil isn't available, rather than doing the dishes, you improvise.
Because doing the dishes is like, super hard.
7. When you're out of toilet paper, paper towels are next in line...

8. You couldn't care less how stupid huge your laundry loads are or the fact that they hardly fit in the washer.

9. The only time you ever bring the coffee mugs to the dishwasher is when they're all in your room.

10. You have absolutely no problem drinking the water that's been sitting on your nightstand for over two weeks.

"But it's water! It doesn't expire..."
11. And if someone spills water anywhere, you just leave it and let it dry on its own.

Ya know, to save on paper, toilet paper.
12. If one of you feels even remotely hungover, it's an excuse for all of you to have a Netflix binge day.

And inevitably, one of you gets scorned for accidentally saying, "let's just Netflix and chill!"
13. You create all new food combinations - some revolutionary, some nightmarish.

Try: Honey Bunches of Oats and chocolate syrup
Never try: Cheetos and old leftover Cobb salad
14. The entryway/living room has always and will continue to function as a shoe mat.

Because where else do they go?
15. You literally spend hours arguing over whose turn it is to purge the fridge of expired shit.

Godspeed, captain.
16. It's becoming harder and harder to stand in the shower due to all the empty shampoo and conditioner bottles.

17. And legitimate cleaning only ever happens when someone's parents are coming into town.

But sadly, you'll never have enough time to fully clean the wasteland you call home.
Do not show me this again