Some Genius Illustrated Leslie Knope's Weird but Glorious Compliments. So Cool
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
"Ann, you beautiful tropical fish."
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Rec
amy poehler
leslie knope
Everyone knows and loves Leslie Knope.

And one of the best things about Leslie (besides the binders and her love for Joe Biden) is her amazingly creative compliments for her BFF Ann Perkins.

They're creative and zany, and somehow amazingly endearing.

But have you ever wondered just what a land mermaid is, exactly?

Worry no longer thanks to grad student/artist Shebani Rao who has illustrated some of Leslie's best compliments.

Yes, she brought that chestnut-haired sunfish to life

And helped us envision how a moth could break the rules

She's made a musk ox look beautiful

And a baby sophisticated, and for that, we are all eternally grateful.

You can buy the prints for yourself, or your favorite rule-breaking moth.
Check out her Society6 store!
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