A Real, Down to Earth Woman Reenacts Sexy Celeb Photoshoots and the Results Are Hilarious
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
No one really looks that graceful doing yoga on the beach.
Celebrities - they're just like us! Except not. To prove this, Australian comedian Celeste Barber created the hashtag #CelesteChallengeAccepted, where she recreated some of the most iconic yet absurd celebrity Instagram pics.
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“Some celebrities on Instagram seem to think we non-rich, non-privileged people are idiots and believe that what they are posting is real,” the comedian told BuzzFeed.
Since we don't all have a Kim K glam squad and wizard photo editing skills, Celeste captured the reality behind these celebrity pics that a lot of people deem to be perfect - the results are hilarious.
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We can't all look like a sexy serial killer with a knife to our lips like Justin Bieber.
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Or show off our ripped bods while doing the splits like Serena Williams.
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Ahem, what ripped bod?
Barber aimed to show "how ridiculous it would be for a 'normal' person to recreate some of these photos." Because no one's butt looks like Khloé Kardashian's.
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Trying to selfie with your dog is actually quite a challenge.
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So is yoga on the beach.
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And does anyone actually look as good as Kate Upton when getting out of the pool?
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And taking off your shirt to go swimming is way less Bianca Cheah and more Barber.
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She also did her own take on Kendall Jenner's heart hair pic, a.k.a. the most ever liked picture on Instagram - a little less glamorous to say the least!
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“I want to make people laugh and show how the majority of what we see from our idols is bullshit,” she said.
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Way to go Celeste for being awesome and showing what it's like to be a real person - flaws and all!
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Do not show me this again